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faded midnight

Friday, April 29, 2005

These days, we do seem to wrap ourselves in a little cocoon of safty. A little cocoon where we won't get hurt, but we can never suceed.
We need to come out of our cocoons.
Romans 12:2 helps prove this point!

Do not be conformed by the ways of this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind.

This week we have been learning that we are all consumers. We just sit there and let buisnesses pretty much spoon feed us and say "You're hungry! Oh here's a great place to eat!" or "You're uncomfortable, here's a place to be comfortable".

We need to be creative!

Thats all i can think of for now...



Olivia fell from the sky 11:48 AM

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I guess I am not as literate when it comes to media as some people. I just had to take a quiz... and I disagree with one of the answers.

Excessive TV viewing has been linked to:

a. nearsighted vision
b. obesity
c. attention deficit disorder
d. fine motor skill impairment

The answer is B obesity... but studies have proven this wrong.

STUDIES have shown, and proven that exessive TV watching has been linked to people having ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER! (ADD!!) Is this me and my family or does anybody else hear this?

Anyway... on a quiz of 15 questions I got 5 out of 15 right (although I should have gotten 6 right!!!)

Oh well...

By the time kids reach Senior Citizen Status, they will have seen over three hours of commercials! Thats a LONG time!

Also, according to a 2002 poll, the average American teen will ask their parents 9 times for products they've seen advertized on TV before the parents give in! Once again... that's a lot... But is that rapidly? If so... then that answer is off. That's because parents probably only give in because the kids are driving them insane! So that answer could be slightly off.

Yeah... that was really long.
Maybe I'll think of more and add on later! BOO-YAH!

Olivia fell from the sky 11:25 AM

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